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dirLIST - Index of: home/mp3/nhac-khong-loi/Ludwig van Beethoven - Complete Works [Brilliant Classics 100 CD Box]/CD 069 - Cantatas WoO 87 & 88/

Index of: home/mp3/nhac-khong-loi/Ludwig van Beethoven - Complete Works [Brilliant Classics 100 CD Box]/CD 069 - Cantatas WoO 87 & 88/
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Name Size Date Uploaded
01 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 1-Tot
! Tot
02 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 2-Ein
Ungeheuer, sei
n Name Fanatism
03 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, -Da k
am Joseph
04 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 4-Da
stiegen die Men
schen ans Licht
05 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 5-Er
schlaeft, von d
en Sorgen seine
r Welt entladen
06 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 6-Hie
r schlummert se
inen stillen Fr
07 - Cantata on
the Death of E
mperor Joseph I
I WoO 87, 7-Tot
! Tot, stoehnt
es durch die oe
de Nacht
08 - Cantata on
the Accession
of Emperor Leop
old II WoO 88,
1-Er schlummert
09 - Cantata on
the Accession
of Emperor Leop
old II WoO 88,
2-Fliese, Wonne
zahren, fliesse
10 - Cantata on
the Accession
of Emperor Leop
old II WoO 88,
3-Ihr staunt, V
oelker der Erde
11 - Cantata on
the Accession
of Emperor Leop
old II WoO 88,
4-Wie bebt mein
Herz vor Wonne
12 - Cantata on
the Accession
of Emperor Leop
old II WoO 88,
5-Heil! Stuerze
t nieder, Milli
Complete Works
CD 069 - Cantat
as WoO 87 & 88
Ludwig van Beet
hoven - Complet
e Works CD 069
- Cantatas WoO
87 & 88

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