The Locus of Creative Interpretation in Buddhist Thought and Culture

Vol. 1, February 2002
The Essence-Function Formula as a Hermeneutic Device: Korean and Chinese Commentaries on Awakening Mahayana Faith (by Sung-bae Park) Vol01_01_Sung-bae Park.pdf
Ontology and Self-Certainty in the prasannapada (by Bibhuti S. Yadav) Vol01_02_Bibhuti S Yadav.pdf
Introduction of Buddhist Ethics into the Korean Peninsula (by Yong-kil Cho) Vol01_03_Yong-kil Cho.pdf
The Concepts of Buddha and Bodhisattva (by S.R. Bhatt) Vol01_04_S R Bhatt.pdf
The Practice of Self-Power and Faith in Other-Power in Mahayana Buddhism (by Ho-ryeon Jeon) Vol01_05_Ho-ryeon Jeon.pdf
Double Tragedy: A Reappraisal of the Decline of Buddhism in India (by K.T.S. Sarao) Vol01_06_K T S Sarao.pdf
Hermeneutical Circle of Prajna-Paramita Thought in Candrakirti and Seungnang (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol01_07_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
On the Problem of the Origin of Cakravartin (by Kyoung-joon Park) Vol01_08_Kyoung-joon Park.pdf
Sunyata in Chinese Hua-yan Thought (by Ae-soon Chang) Vol01_09_Ae-soon Chang.pdf
On the Buddha as an Avatara of Visnu (by Geo-lyong Lee) Vol01_10_Geo-lyong Lee.pdf
Relic Worship: A Devotional Institute in Early Buddhism (by Yang-Gyu An) Vol01_11_Yang-Gyu An.pdf
Supplement and Suchness in Deconstruction and Buddhism (by Sung-ja Han) Vol01_12_Sung-ja Han.pdf
Dharma, Interpretation and Buddhist Feminism (by Seung-mee Jo) Vol01_13_Seung-mee Jo.pdf
The Logic of Reconciliation and Harmonization (Hwahoe) in Wonhyo's Thought (by Young-tae Kim) Vol01_14_Young-tae Kim.pdf
The Buddhist Reform Movement in Modern Times (by Jeung-bae Mok) Vol01_15_Jeung-bae Mok.pdf
On Translating Wonhyo (by Robert E. Buswell, Jr) Vol01_16_Buswell.pdf

Vol. 2, February 2003
Wonhyo: A Study of his Compilations (by Lewis Lancaster) Vol02_01_Lewis Lancaster.pdf
Wonhyo's Faith System, as seen in his Commentaries on the Awakening of Mahayana Faith (by Sung-bae Park) Vol02_02_Sung-bae Park.pdf
Wonhyo and the Commentarial Genre in Korean Buddhist Literature (by Robert E. Buswell) Vol02_03_Robert Buswell.pdf
An Investigation of Wonhyo's Achievement in the Samgukyusa (by Sang-hyun Kim) Vol02_04_Sang-hyun Kim.pdf
Wonhyo's Interpretation of the Maha-prajna-paramita-sutra: Apparatus Criticus and Translation (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol02_05_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
Wonhyo's View of the Huayan Doctrine (by Pokan Chou) Vol02_06_Pokan Chou.pdf
Wonhyo on the Muryangsugyongchongyo and the Yusimallakto (by Richard D. McBride) Vol02_07_Richard McBride.pdf
Wonhyo's Interpretation of the Hindrances (by Charles Muller) Vol02_08_Charles Muller.pdf
Wonhyo's Writings on Bodhisattva Precepts and the Philosophical Ground of Mahayana Buddhist Ethics (by Jin-Young Park) Vol02_09_Jin-Young Park.pdf
Wonhyo¡¯s View on Rebirth of the Sentient Beings to the Pure Land (by Hwee-ok Jang) Vol02_10_Hwee-ok Jang.pdf
Wonhyo¡¯s Conception of Buddha-nature in his Thematic Essential of the Mahaparinirvana Sutra (by Young-suk Kim) Vol02_11_Young-suk Kim.pdf
Ontology, Language, and Deconstruction (by Bibhuti S. Yadav) Vol02_12_Bibhuti S Yadav.pdf
Belief in Indra and Development of this Belief in the Koryo Dynasty (by Yoon-kil Suh) Vol02_13_Yoon-kil Suh.pdf
Nagarjuna as Viewed in Korean Buddhist Prayer Books (by Hae-ju Jeon) Vol02_14_Hae-ju Jeon.pdf
Translation of Sutras and Its Characteristics in the Period of North and South Dynasties in china (by Ae-soon Chang) Vol02_15_Ae-soon Chang.pdf
A Comparative Study of the Concept of Dharmakaya Buddha: Vairocana in Hua-yen and Mahavairocana in Shingon Buddhism (by Kwangsoo Park) Vol02_16_Kwangsoo Park.pdf
How does Buddha recognize a forest? (by Ho-duck Kang and Sung-hyun Shin) Vol02_17_Ho-duck Kang and Sung-hyun Shin.pdf
Formation of the Practice System of Anuttarayoga-tantra, with Special Reference to the Accomplishment of Physical Body (by Seong-joon Cheong) Vol02_18_Seong-joon Cheong.pdf
A Problem of the Lankavatara-sutra (by Suah Kim) Vol02_19_Suah Kim.pdf
The Best War Against Terrorism: Dialogue Among The Religions (by Leonard Swidler) Vol02_20_Leonard Swidler.pdf
Buddhism and World Peace (by D.R. Bhalerao) Vol02_21_D R Bhalerao.pdf

Vol. 3, September 2003
On the Nature and Message of the Lotus Sutra in the Light of Early Buddhism and Buddhist Scholarship (by Karel Werner) Vol03_01_Karel Werner.pdf
Navayana Buddhism: The Dawning of a New Tradition (by Byung-Jo Chung) Vol03_02_Byung-Jo Chung.pdf
The Heart Sutra in Chinese Yogacara: Some Comparative Comments on the Heart Sutra Commentaries of Wonch'uk and K'uei-chi (by Dan Lusthaus) Vol03_03_Dan Lusthaus.pdf
Becoming a Buddhist Nun in Korea: Monastic Education and Ordination for Women (by Hyewon Kang) Vol03_04_Hyewon Kang.pdf
Religious Diversity in a Buddhist Majority Country: The Case of Islam in Thailand (by Imtiyaz Yusuf) Vol03_05_Imtiyaz Yusuf.pdf
An Intra-Buddhist Dialogue between Theravada and Mahayana: A Hermeneutical Search for Common Unity (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol03_06_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
Sot'aesan's Essays on the Reformation of Korean Buddhism (by Kwangsoo Park) Vol03_07_Kwangsoo Park.pdf
The Theoretical Meaning & Cultural Artistic Value of Temple Cymbals Dance (by Jong-hyung Kim) Vol03_08_Jong-hyung Kim.pdf

Vol. 4, February 2004
The Japanese Missionaries and Their impact on Korean Buddhist Developments (1876-1910) (by Vladimir Tikhonov) Vol04_01_Vladimir Tikhonov.pdf
Traditional Story Telling and Poetry Grammar in Korea 7-8 Century A.D. (by Ki-chung Im) Vol04_02_Ki-chung Im.pdf
Interaction and Harmonization between Hwa-eom and Seon in Korea during the late Silla and Early Goryeo Period (by Ho-ryeon Jeon) Vol04_03_Ho-ryeon Jeon.pdf
Teachings on Abortion in Theravada and Mahayana Traditions and Contemporary Korean Practice (by Frank M. Tedesco) Vol04_04_Frank M Tedesco.pdf
On the Meaning of the First Jhana in Nikayas (by Seung-taek Lim) Vol04_05_Seung-taek Lim.pdf
The Mind-only thought in the Commentaries on the Lankavatarasutra (by Suah Kim) Vol04_06_Suah Kim.pdf
Wonhyo¡¯s Human Character Education: Principles and Practice Methods (by Young-suk Kim) Vol04_07_Young-suk Kim.pdf
The Middle Path of No Abiding and No Leaving in the Immutability of Things by Seng-chao (by Sung-ja Han) Vol04_08_Sung-ja Han.pdf

Vol. 5, February 2005
Buddhism and Peace: Peace in the World or Peace of Mind? (by Karel Werner) Vol05_01_Karel Werner.pdf
A Commentary on Venerable Songchul's Method for Seon Practice (by Hyewon Kang) Vol05_02_Hyewon Kang.pdf
On the Sinin and Ch'ongji Schools and the Nature of Esoteric Buddhist Practice under the Koryo (by Henrik H. Sorensen) Vol05_03_Henrik H Sorensen.pdf
Reconciling the Actual with the Potential : Wonhyo's Theory of Buddhahood (by Eunsu Cho) Vol05_04_Eunsu Cho.pdf
Dialogue between Islam and Buddhism through the Concepts of Tathagata and Nur Muhammadi (by Imtiyaz Yusuf) Vol05_05_Imtiyaz Yusuf.pdf
The Present Actualization of Buddha-Nature in Buddhist Education (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol05_06_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
The Uses of Buddhist and Shamanistic Symbolism in the Empowerment of Queen Sondok (by Pankaj Mohan) Vol05_07_Pankaj Mohan.pdf
Relationship between Confucianism and Buddhism in Early Choson (by Hongkyung Kim) Vol05_08_Hongkyung Kim.pdf
Sung Tonang(㬠ԳÕÇ) (a.k.a. Sungnang (ã¬ÕÇ), fl. 476?-512) from Koguryo and his Role in Chinese San-lun (by Joerg Plassen)  Vol05_09_Joerg Plassen.pdf
Animal Liberation and Mahayana Precepts (by Sung-huyn Shin) Vol05_10_Sung-hyun Shin.pdf
The Concept of Personality in the Abhidhamma Schools (by Sang-hwan Bae) Vol05_11_Sang-hwan Bae.pdf

Vol. 6, February 2006
On the Religiosity of Hwadu Meditation (by Sung-bae Park) Vol06_01_Sung-bae Park.pdf
Cross-Cultural Consensus Between Buddhist Reality and Modern Science (by Joon Lee) Vol06_02_Joon Lee.pdf
Wonhyo's Essentials of the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra: Translation of Chapters 1-2 with Annotated Notes (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol06_03_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
Theravada Methods of Interpretation on Buddhist Scriptures (by Veerachart Nimanong) Vol06_04_Veerachart Nimanong.pdf
An English Translation of the Banya paramilda simgyeong chan: Wonch'uk's Commentary on the Heart Sutra (by B. Hyun Choo) Vol06_05_B Hyun Choo.pdf
Han Yongun's Buddhist Socialism in the 1920s-1930s (by Vladimir Thikhonov) Vol06_06_Vladimir Tikhonov.pdf
The Origin and Practice System of Ganhwa Seon (by Hyewon Kang) Vol06_07_Hyewon Kang.pdf
An Analysis of the Buddha's Paradoxical Silence: Neither the Positive nor Nihilistic View (by Kwangsoo Park) Vol06_08_Kwangsoo Park.pdf
Yulgok's Perspective on Buddhism (by Heejae Yi) Vol06_09_Heejae Yi.pdf
A Crisis of Biodiversity and the Buddhist Precepts of Not Killing (by Sunghyun Shin) Vol06_Abs10_Sunghyun Shin_1.pdf
The Body and Practice In Western Philosophy and Buddhism (by Hye-jung Jung) Vol06_11_Hye-jung Jung.pdf

Vol. 7, September 2006
Dialogue between Korean Buddhism and World Buddhism in the Global Era (by Sung-bae Park) Vol07_01_Sung-bae Park.pdf
Buddhism in the Kingdom of Siam: Its Past and Its Present (by Ven. Phra Rajpnyamedhi) Vol07_02_Phra.pdf
Wonhyo's Buddhism from the Perspective of Tathagatagarbha-vada (by Pyong-rae Lee) Vol07_03_Pyeong-rae Lee.pdf
Esoteric Buddhism under the Koryo in the Light of the Greater East Asian Tradition (by Henrik H. Sorensen) Vol07_04_Sorensen.pdf
Uisang's View of Buddha in the Silla Period (by Ven. Hae-ju) Vol07_05_Hae-ju.pdf
Comparative Study of Vairocana Buddha in Tantra Yoga and Tantra Anuttarayoga (by Seong-joon Cheong) Vol07_06_Seong-joon Cheong.pdf
Buddhist Ideals and Practice for Ageing Welfare: With Reference to the Sutra of Filial Piety (by Kyung-yim Kwon) Vol07_07_Kyung-yim Kwon.pdf
The Dialogue Decalogue: Ground Rules for Interreligious, Interideological Dialogue (by Leonard Swidler) Vol07_08_Swidler.pdf
Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic (by Leonard Swidler) Vol07_09_Swidler.pdf

Vol. 8, February 2007
Rationality and Early Buddhist Teachings (by Karel Werner) Vol08_01_Karel Werner.pdf
The Taehyedogyongchongyo of Wonhyo: Translation of Chapters 4 & 5 with Annotated Notes (by Yong-pyo Kim) Vol08_02_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
Faith and the Resolution of the Four Doubts in Wonhyo's Doctrinal Essentials of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life (by Charles Muller) Vol08_03_Muller.pdf
The Buddhist Faith of the Nobility in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (by Ven. Gye-hwan) Vol08_04_Gye-hwan.pdf
The Historical Origins and Development of Gandhara Art (by Iqtidar Karamat Cheema) Vol08_05_Cheema.pdf
The Dragon in the Buddhist Korean Temples (by Hye-young Tcho) Vol08_06_Hye-young Tcho.pdf
Buddhist No-Self and Mindful Consumerism (by Ryan Long) Vol08_07_Ryan Long.pdf
Why Korea? Why Buddhism? (by Marian Werner) Vol08_08_Marian Werner.pdf
Western Buddhism: Past, Present and Future (by Timothy V. Atkinson) Vol08_09_Atkinson.pdf

Vol. 9. September 2007
Buddhist Reflections on Life and Death Vol09_Abs.pdf
Buddhist Reflections on Life and Death (by Suk-Ku Song) Vol09_01_SK Song.pdf
Elements of Hwa-eom Faith and Philosophy in Korean Buddhist Ritual Invocations (by Ven. Hae-ju) Vol09_02_Ven Hae-ju.pdf
The Life and Letters of Son Master Hanam Vol09_03_Ven Chong Go.pdf
Challenge of Modern Age to Thai Buddhism (by Piyadee Prasertsom) Vol09_04_Piyadee Prasertsom.pdf
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (by Annie Shapiro) Vol09_05_Annie Shapiro.pdf
Enduring, Endearing Korea (by Marian Werner) Vol09_06_Marian Werner.pdf

Vol. 10. February 2008
Wonhyo: Coming to the West ¡ªYet No One Recognizes Him (by Sung-bae Park) Vol10_Abs.pdf
Wonhyo: Coming to the West-Yet No One Recognizes Him Vol10_01_Sung-bae Park.pdf
Death, Rebirth and Personal Identity in Buddhism Vol10_02_Karel Werner.pdf
Acceptance of Prajna Thought in Chinese Buddhism Vol10_03_Ven Gye-hwan.pdf
Korean Patriot and Tea Master: Hyodang Choi Beom-sul(1904-1979) Vol10_04_Br Anthony of Taize.pdf
Suffering and Liberation in Theravada Buddhism Vol10_05_Asanga Tilakaratne.pdf
Where is the One Dharma to Which all Dharma Return?: The Horizon of Buddhist Inclusivism in Religious Pluralism Vol10_06_Yong-pyo Kim.pdf
The Letters of Hanam Sunim: Practice after Enlightenment and Obscurity Vol10_07_Ven Chong Go.pdf
Dependent Arising in Abhidhamma Philosophy Vol10_08_Sang-hwan Bae.pdf
Review of Cultivating Original Enlightenment: Wonhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamadhi-Sutra, by Robert E. Buswell Jr. Vol10_09_Charles Muller.pdf

Vol. 11. September 2008
Korean Buddhism on the International Stage (by Eamon Adams) Vol11_01_Eamon Adams.pdf
Consciousness-only Theory and Modern Neuroscience Vol11_02_Byung-jo Kang.pdf
Buddhism, Politics, and Statecraft Vol11_03_Laksiri Jayasuriya.pdf
Mind and Consciousness Discourse in East Asia: Spectrum of Three Countries, Korea, China and Japan, during 7th-8th century Vol11_04_Young-Seop Ko.pdf
A Study of the Apocryphal Sutra: Fumu Enzhong Jing Vol11_05_Guang Xing.pdf
Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in its Later Propagation Period Vol11_06_Chi-won Kim.pdf
'Gender Trouble' in Early Buddhism Vol11_07_Jess Nossiter.pdf
Pictorial Representation of Hwaeom Thought-With Special Reference to the Goryeo Period Painting 'Vairocana and Three-thousand Buddha' Vol11_08_Soyon Kang.pdf
Review of Cultivating Original Enlightenment: History of Korean Buddhism, by Byung-jo Chung Vol11_09_Nam Kyol Heo.pdf

Vol. 12. February 2009
Meditation as Instructional Technology: A Literature Review (by Sanghyeon Cheon) Vol12_Sanghyeon Cheon_Meditation as Instructional Technology.pdf
Interreligious Dialogue toward Overcoming the Eco-crisis Vol12_Hyun Min Choi_Interreligious Dialogue.pdf
Beyond Theological Essentialism and Ethnic Reductionism Vol12_Torkel Brekke_Beyond Theological Essentialism.pdf
A Study of the Apocryphal Sutras as Popular Sutras Vol12_Chang Ae Soon_A Study of the Apocryphal Sutras.pdf
On the Meaning of ¡°Faith (ãá)¡± in Early Chan School Vol12_Munsun Kang_-On the Meaning of Faith.pdf
An Investigation of Two Buddhist Tomb-Inscriptions from 12th Century Kory? Vol12_Henrik H. Srensen_An Investigation.pdf
Scriptural Words and Silence Vol12_Yong-pyo Kim_Scriptural Words and Silence.pdf
Buddha¡¯s Idea concerning Food and a New View of Nutrition Vol12_Hyeon-Sook Lim_Buddha¡¯s Idea concerning Food.pdf
The Place of Relic Worship in Buddhism: An Unresolved Controversy? Vol12_Karel Werner_The Place of Relic Worship in Buddhism.pdf