USING THE DICTIONARY If installing from the ACIP CD-ROM, simply make a copy of the folder "JIM" somewhere on your hard disk. Then double-click on "JIM.EXE" to run the dictionary. (You can also run directly from the \PROGRAMS\TIBDICT\JIM folder on the CD-ROM.) The folders Disk1 and Disk2 are mainly useful for creating installation diskettes for use on computers without a CD-ROM drive. See the README file on Disk1. As an option, if you include the \JIM subdirectory in your PATH, then you can use the dictionary from any DOS subdirectory by typing: jim Exit the jim dictionary program by responding to "word ?" with a nul word ([ret] or [enter]). Request a definition by responding to "word ?" with up to 4 monosyllables in either upper or lower case modifed Turrell Wylie romanization as per appendix A. Experiment with the following examples: Respond to "word ?" with: byang "SA" means "See Also" the listed related compound(s). Respond to "word ?" with: byang chub Respond to "word ?" with: byang chub sems Respond to "word ?" with: byang chub sems dpa' List WITHOUT DEFINITION all compounds which begin with the monosyllable "byang" by responding to "word ?" with: byang& byang chub& byang chub sems& byang&sems (this will list any compounds which begin with "byang" and have "sems" as the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th syllable List WITH DEFINITION all compounds which begin with the monosyllable "byang" by responding to "word ?" with: byang* hit any key except to see the next definition; hit to request a new definition List with definition all compounds which begin with the monosyllables "byang chub" by responding to "word ?" with: byang chub* List with definition all compounds which begin with the monosyllables "byang chub sems" by responding to "word ?" with: byang chub sems* List without definition all compounds which begin with the monosyllable "%a" by responding to "word ?" with: %a& List with definition all compounds which begin with the monosyllable "%e" by responding to "word ?" with: %e* ERROR MESSAGES NOT IN DICTIONARY This means that there is no definition in the dictionary for the requested compound. But the list of compounds which have the same initial monosyllable is displayed. SPELLING ERROR This means that at least 1 of the 4 possible monosyllables is not an allowable Tibetan syllable according the the modifed Turrell Wylie romanization scheme in Appendix A. Jim Valby PO Box 262 Conway, MA 01341